Transformative practices
Local communities around the world are engaged in sustainable and inclusive practices for using and managing land, water and forests. Because of their close relationship with their living environment, they know best what works. Over the course of many years, Both ENDS has encountered many inspiring examples of transformative practices. We work to make them known and supported more widely.
One great example is Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration, which is at once a social practice and a technique used to make dry areas green again. Our partners in Niger, Burkina Faso and Senegal are building broad support for the practice in communities across the Sahel.
Communities in southwest Bangladesh face the opposite problem, namely too much water. There, Both ENDS’s partner is supporting communities in promoting traditional Tidal River Management practices to curb waterlogging in their villages. The group is working to ensure that water governance and planning takes into account the voices of women and men, young and old.
The social practice of regreening the Sahel
Open a satellite map of the African continent and you’ll see the Sahel front and centre, a large, brown band […]
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In Bangla, the word for transition is ‘uttaran’. It is a fitting name for a social and environmental organisation whose […]
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