Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (PMEL)
In 2019 the organisational PMEL functioned well, some refinements were done. The instruments used for reflection in project and process teams have been combined with HR instruments to establish a better complementarity between PMEL and HR. During reflection meetings, teams discuss if they are achieving their annual targets and consistently exchange on their personal contribution to the functioning of the project or process team.
Every six months the director has conversations with the project and process leaders to get an update on activities and to offer the needed support if problems are met. These conversations have a clearer place in the PMEL cycle now; the first round of these conversations focuses on planning and the second round on reflection. Standard questions are asked, and in advance of the conversations PMEL goes through planning or reflection documents to raise points of attention where needed. A template has been created for the reports to make it easier to filter information from them and use them for reflection and learning.
In 2019 we were audited according to the ISO and Partos 9001:2015 standard and received extension of our certification. A point of attention was our integrity policy, which was just finished but not yet implemented. All colleagues have now been introduced to our new integrity policy. The policy was put it into practice immediately in relation to a case of mismanagement by one of our partners during the second half of 2019. We have continued our internal audits, monitoring our risks and following up on points of improvement. We keep adapting our organisational processes to assure a good fit in the design of these processes and our day-to-day reality.