Fundraising and acquisition
In 2019, Both ENDS’s fundraising and acquisition activities focused on expanding our donor network by connecting with donors, public and private, on their ambitions to make grantmaking green and inclusive. Together with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs we organised a Round Table for governmental donors on how to better involve women in environmental policymaking and programming, and make use of women’s potential to address environmental problems. With our donor DOB Ecology we organised a dialogue for Dutch private foundations on the benefits and potential of collaborating with Small Grant Funds organisations in order to finance grassroots organisations, getting the funding where it is most needed.
On 26 March 2019 we celebrated the public pledge made by 22 private investors and foundations, marking the start of the DivestInvest movement in the Netherlands. We make continuous efforts to consolidate and further expand this movement.
In 2019, Both ENDS welcomed three new donors. After becoming a new beneficiary of the Dutch Postcode Lottery in February, Both ENDS became grantee of the Climate Justice Resilience Fund for our work on climate justice in relation to the Green Climate Fund. As part of the GAGGA Alliance, we received funds from Dietel & Partners to expand the components of the programme in relation to donor influencing and external communications. We are very excited to collaborate with these three new donors.
Furthermore we managed to renew or expand existing donor relationships with Anton Jurgens Foundation (extension of the project in Mali), Wallace Global Fund (for our divestment work on pension funds) and KR Foundation (for our divestment work on Export Credit Agencies), among others. Finally we received our very last grant from the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, which has supported Both ENDS’s programme on International Finance Institutions for more than 20 years. We thank Sandra Smithey and the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation Board for their long-term commitment to our work.
Our 2nd application to the International Climate Initiative was again rejected, without further feedback. We decided that we will only apply again if we manage to get in touch with this fund and obtain more insight into what it seeks to finance. Other applications that failed were submitted to the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (on green and inclusive water governance) and the Open Society Foundations (on export credits).