A word from our board and director

We started 2022 with ideas and energy. We were relieved that the pandemic seemed nearly under control. We were excited about having made strides in increasing support for transformative practices, like agroecology, which strengthens community resilience and contributes to stable supplies of food in times of crisis. And we were buoyed by the crucial breakthrough at the UN climate talks in Glasgow, where a large group of wealthy countries, including the Netherlands, and key international financial institutions, pledged to end public funding for new fossil projects abroad by the end of 2022. This was an enormous victory for Both ENDS and our many partners and allies worldwide, who have been working together for decades for fossil free public finance.

And then the next crisis hit. In February, the geopolitical context suddenly and profoundly shifted when Russia expanded its occupation of Ukraine into a full-scale war. As in case of the Covid crisis, we again saw how a sudden shock to the global economic system has direct and severe consequences on people’s access to energy and food, as well as on civic space and human rights. Along with many others, we’ve been warning for years about the risks of our dependence on fossil fuels and industrial agriculture, and the danger of long and unsustainable global supply chains dominated by a few companies.


We have talked about these problems again and again, and our experience in 2022 confirms that it’s critically important to continue to do so. Everywhere we go, in every conversation we have, Both ENDS highlights the systemic character of the many crises we are facing and the consequences for people and planet. Together with diverse civil society organisations, social movements, scientists, parliamentarians and policymakers, Both ENDS continues to work and advocate for a just transition. In this, we are inspired by the many people we collaborate with, such as those in Uganda who, despite very difficult circumstances, are tirelessly advocating for a socially just, sustainable energy strategy. They are raising awareness and advocating for community-driven clean energy solutions, such as off-grid solar energy.

As yet another global food crisis loomed in 2022, we also continued to advocate and work for food system transformation. Worldwide, there are countless examples of local food producers engaged in socially just and ecologically sustainable food production. During the Covid pandemic, we saw confirmation of what we already knew: these holistic practices are best suited to ensure food and nutrition security, and to strengthen economic, climate and community resilience. They deserve much more support, both in terms of policy and funding.

In dialogue with a variety of actors, including Dutch policymakers, international financial institutions, banks and funders, we continued to urge relevant actors to take effective action to prevent hunger by supporting and investing in local food producers, especially women, and agroecological practices. Although there is more work to be done, our message is increasingly being heard. There is growing recognition by policymakers in the Netherlands, in Europe, and at the international level that investing in people’s food security requires investing in people.

As part of the GAGGA Alliance, we are drawing attention to the leading role of women in implementing effective and sustainable measures to adapt to and mitigate climate change, and calling for more recognition, political support and funding for their work. We were pleased to make great headway in 2022, including in fruitful dialogue with a number of donors. In our efforts to mobilise more resources, GAGGA was delighted to receive two new grants. A generous extra project grant from the Dutch Postcode Lottery focuses on flexible funding to strengthen community-driven, women-led systems of resilience and autonomy, building on an initiative launched during the pandemic. A three-year grant from the Ford Foundation enables GAGGA to provide flexible financial support to women and girl environmental human rights defenders to address structural violence.


As a Dutch organisation based in one of the world’s wealthiest countries, Both ENDS aims to be continually alert to how we hold and use our power, both in the context of our relationships with partners in the Global South and with each other. We recognise that power relations are a constant factor in our work, and we want to improve our understanding and awareness of what this means, while ensuring that we are maximising our efforts to share power. To that end, we embarked on a new, ongoing learning process in 2022 focused on ‘Examination of Power’.

The principle of shared power is at the core of our theory of change and of Both ENDS as an organisation. In recent years, much work has been done to make Both ENDS more united, strategic, and inclusive. Our self-organised organisational system has solidified: staff members have a clear understanding of what they can expect from the organisation and from each other, and what is expected of them. We have found new ways to enable people to grow within the organisation, with more staff members engaged in external communications, outreach, and partnership building. Of course, an organisation’s health is always a work in progress, and we continue to keep strengthening the organisation collectively.


Without a doubt, the best part of 2022 was being able to resume our regular work – to connect in person with our partners, and to facilitate their engagement in important dialogues and decision-making processes. At an event in November, we brought together over 150 people – including staff of Dutch pension funds, asset fund managers, and policymakers – to see the remarkable documentary The Illusion of Abundance, which tells the stories of three women environmental human rights defenders fighting at great risk to defend communities against corporate misconduct. After the screening, Carolina de Moura, a GAGGA partner from Brazil and one of three women defenders featured in the film, told the audience about her efforts to hold the mining company Vale accountable for human rights and environmental abuses, including the Brumadinho dam collapse. She insisted on the urgent need to stop investment in such companies and projects. Listening to Carolina, it is painfully clear that we have an important job to do. We can — and we must – transform global value chains.

Ensuring that people like Carolina can take centre stage and make their voices heard is one of the things Both ENDS does best. It is our job to use our power by sharing our power – to connect people, to connect issues, to challenge decision-makers to do better, to show a way forward. Looking ahead, we aim to develop new relationships to ensure our financial stability, and that of our partners worldwide who, together with us, are creating space, power and momentum at both ends of the globe, in both North and the South, to change our broken system once and for all.

Danielle Hirsch, Director
Paul Engel, Chair of the Board

Our achievements in 2022

To achieve our vision of a sustainable, fair and inclusive world, Both ENDS works to empower civil society, to change the system so it prioritises people and the planet, and to support transformative practices. The numbers and successes below together show the broad variety of our achievements along each one of the three pathways.


Both ENDS cooperates with many partner organisations around the world to strengthen civil society, advocate for green and fair policies and support transformative practices. This cooperation entails much more then only financial support; we strategise together and each take our own role in our joint efforts for just and sustainable societies. Our partner network embraces the whole world:


In order for systems to prioritise people and the planet, Both ENDS and partners aim to change the system step by step, policy by policy. Where policies are already strong, they need to be implemented, and where they are absent, we advocate for new ones to be enacted, on all levels. Influencing policies often is a matter of patience. It might take years until change finally materialises. This is why Both ENDS and partners are involved in such a large number of policy influencing processes:


According to Both ENDS and partners, transformative practices are the future. There are many of these bottom-up, planet-friendly practices. By strengthening and eventually up-scaling transformative practices, Both ENDS and counterparts show tangible examples that can inspire and promote a radically different system that places human and environmental well-being at its core:

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  • Uganda is one of many countries where the situation for environmental organisations has deteriorated. Both ENDS has taken steps to develop a more systematic and proactive approach to supporting partners in addressing safety and security issues. In 2022, we successfully mobilised resources to support six Ugandan organisations to strengthen collaboration, increase their visibility, and carry out joint advocacy towards a green and sustainable future.
  • At the Climate conference (COP27) in Egypt, Both ENDS was able to do what we stand for: connecting people for change. By bringing partners together, and by facilitating exchanges between our partners and policymakers, we achieved to give our partners a podium on which to make their voices heard.
  • As a response to the demands of our partner Forum Suape in Brazil, the license for Dutch dredging company Van Oord in Port Suape was limited to the winter period. This will drastically lower the impact of the dredging works on the livelihoods of the local community. This decision came after another breakthrough in Suape, when a controversial dam in the Rio Tatuoca that was destroying the mangroves and the aquatic life in the area was partially dismantled, enabling the ecosystem to slowly recuperate. Together with Fórum Suape, Both ENDS has been working for almost ten years to protect the rights of local communities in and around Suape.
  • In 2022, Both ENDS and the Land Portal Foundation started a series of webinars, called “Whose Land? Inclusive Pathways to Land Governance”. The four-part webinar series provided a platform for different stakeholders engaged in land governance to exchange on the importance of inclusivity and meaningful participation of all relevant actors in both formal and informal land governance processes. In total 1614 people participated in the webinars.


  • In Mozambique, few women can rest assured that their right to use and enjoy land is guaranteed. Forum Mulher, a network of Mozambican women’s rights organisations, raised public awareness and mobilised rural women to effectively make their voices heard during the government’s formal review of the legislative framework for land governance.
  • The Netherlands finally decided to withdraw from the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT). This is good news for the energy transition in the Netherlands and beyond. Both ENDS has been working with partners for a number of years to raise awareness about the disadvantages of the ECT, especially in countries in the Global South that were considering joining the treaty, such as Uganda and Indonesia.
  • In Argentina, after intensive advocacy by our partner FARN, the government adapted its national biodiversity policy to be in line with the international CBD-framework, including norms concerning human rights, gender and the recognition of biocultural corridors – an important pillar of the Wetlands without Borders programme.
  • As part of a European tour and together with Brazilian partners (Instituto Cordilheira) Both ENDS pre-screened ‘Illusion of Abundance‘, a documentary sharing the story of three Latin American women fighting injustice caused by large scale development projects. The panel debate after the screening and several follow-up screenings requested by Dutch investors, generated an in-dept discussion about the role of investors on due diligence, prevention and improvement of communication with communities in potentially affected areas.
  • The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) has taken a unique decision to withdraw from the construction of two controversial dams in Ixquisis, Guatemala. Both ENDS has supported our partner AIDA for many years in its fight against the dams.


  • As part of the Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action (GAGGA), the International Analog Forestry Network (IAFN), a long-term partner of Both ENDS, is inspiring and supporting women’s leadership in their communities to restore local ecosystems using natural forests as a model. They succesfully built a network of local Analog Forestry Promoters during the pandemic years.
  • At the UNCCD COP15 in Abidjan, the UNCCD adopted the FAO’s “Technical Guide on the implementation of the VGGTs in Land Degradation Neutrality”, including suggestions by Both ENDS and partners. This technical guide builds on the groundbreaking COP14 decision on Land tenure. With this technical guide, the UNCCD offers a tool to support countries to integrate the tenure guidelines in their land use policies and to halt desertification and land degradation and mitigate the effects of drought. Both ENDS and partners – especially from the Drynet Network – have since long advocated for this matter.
  • In the Wetlands without Borders programme, our partner CODES has created ‘Family Seed Banks’ in Paraguay for the preservation and multiplication of native and endangered seeds. So far 5 seed banks have been created and these families were named as “Guardians of Seeds”. They harvest, store and share these native seeds in the community. Community-managed seed banks are an important aspect of agroecology and contribute to local food sovereignty.
  • Our partner organisation Prakriti Resource Centre (PRC) supported 28 local women’s groups in Nepal to undertake and promote environmental and climate actions. These actions include organic farming, forest plantation and pruning, water management and waste recycling. The women’s groups also influenced their newly elected local governments to scale up climate actions and in some cases managed to access municipal budgets to further implement their gender just climate actions.
  • Our “Communities regreen the Sahel” programme, aimed at supporting partners for at least ten years (2018-2028), is now halfway. Together with more than 20 local partner organisations and more than 40.000 farmers in Senegal, Burkina Faso and Niger, we’ve regreened already a 100.000 hectares of farmland in 5 years time.

Growing a global network of Analog Forestry promoters

Around the world, the loss and degradation of ecosystems is happening at a dangerous pace. About a quarter of land on Earth has been degraded, meaning that diverse ecosystems that were once rich with life have lost their capacity to thrive and grow. Each year, tens of millions of hectares of forest are destroyed or lose their ability to naturally regenerate. Alongside of their cultural and spiritual importance, healthy forests are a vital source of food, water, and medicine for people worldwide. They provide valuable materials for housing, furniture, crafts, and energy. And they provide essential protection against climate change and its impacts.

As part of the Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action (GAGGA), the International Analog Forestry Network (IAFN), a long-term partner of Both ENDS, is inspiring and supporting women’s leadership in their communities to restore local ecosystems using natural forests as a model. Analog Forestry, the creation of forest gardens that are analogous in structure and function to original forests, enables communities to strengthen their livelihoods and incomes while creating stable and ecologically rich forest landscapes. Analog Forestry is one of the many transformative practices that Both ENDS and our partners strive to bring attention to, scale up, and spread far and wide.

New ways of working

In the last several years, IAFN set a goal for itself to expand and strengthen its network of local practitioners of Analog Forestry, known as ‘Promoters’, with a specific focus on women. Due to the Covid pandemic, however, the network had to profoundly adjust its usual ways of working. Travel restrictions necessitated a shift to online training. On-going technical support for implementation of Analog Forestry sites had to be provided remotely.

IAFN successfully navigated the transition. Since 2020, the Promoters Network has continued to flourish. So too has awareness of the need to invest in and strengthen food sovereignty and agroecological food systems. Trainers and Promoters maintained regular contact with each other via whatsapp groups where they exchanged information and experiences about the implementation of Analog Forestry, such as setting up nurseries, collecting seeds, identifying plants that grow well and those that don’t, dealing with problems with weeds, and applying organic fertilizers.

At the beginning of 2022, with the pandemic still limiting mobility, IAFN and its Cameroon member, CENDEP, organised trainings, thematic mini-workshops and interactive sessions for promoters in Latin America, Asia and Africa. Topics covered, such as biological control, nurseries, soil improvement and the issue of gender justice, were selected by the Promoters themselves. During the mini-workshops, presentations about implementation and commercialisation of products from mature Analog Forests in Ecuador and Sri Lanka served as inspiration for new Women Promoters, helping them envision what can be achieved in the longer-term on their own Analog Forest plots. IAFN plans to follow up on this by including visual materials and virtual ‘walks’ through mature Analog Forests in future online events.

Consolidating progress

As 2022 progressed and travel finally became possible, IAFN took action to consolidate the progress made over the previous two years. With support from Both ENDS, IAFN and CENDEP trainers organised their first post-pandemic on-site visits and monitoring missions to partner organisations and Analog Forestry sites in India, Indonesia, Nepal, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Uganda and Zimbabwe. During the visits, a variety of workshops and learning sessions were held. In Asia, IAFN brought together a new group of Analog Forestry Promoters – seven women and two men from India, Nepal and Indonesia who met in person for the first time in the Asian Promoters Gathering.

In total, 30 Analog Forestry Promoters were strengthened in 2022 in their capacities to restore degraded lands and apply Analog Forestry on the ground. In evaluations of these efforts, IAFN’s Promoters confirm how much they value being part of IAFN’s international network of practitioners and the opportunity to exchange experiences, knowledge and mutual support with others in the network.

Spreading the word, building support

Promoters are spreading their knowledge and enthusiasm for Analog Forestry in their communities. To foster their work, at the end of the year IAFN provided seed grants to Promoters to develop new and existing Analog Forestry demonstration plots. The network is also working to make the work of Promoters more visible. In October, in the lead up to International Day of Rural Women, World Food Day, and the Global Day of Action for Food Sovereignty, IAFN shared the stories of four women Promoters from Nepal, Indonesia, and Bolivia. The articles highlighted the women’s efforts, through agroecology and Analog Forestry, to build community resilience to crises, fight for and ensure food sovereignty, and contribute to regeneration of their territories.

Likewise, Both ENDS is showcasing the transformative promise of Analog Forestry among its key audiences, including donors. As part of the GAGGA Alliance, Both ENDS and its partners are making the case for more recognition, political support, and funding for women-led Analog Forestry and other gender-just climate solutions. At a side event at the 2022 UN climate conference in Egypt, with representatives from governments, the Green Climate Fund, and the Adaptation Fund in the audience, GAGGA partners underscored the need to support local women and indigenous organisations in leading climate action.

In anticipation of the conference, Both ENDS published briefing papers describing two examples of gender-just climate solutions, including a successful women-led Analog Forestry initiative in Cameroon supported by IAFN member CENDEP and a sustainable forest management initiative in India involving ‘Women Barefoot Ecologists,’ a project of Both ENDS’s long-term partner, Keystone Foundation. At the UN conference, the latter received a huge boost when it won the Women and Gender Constituency’s Gender Just Climate Solution Award. The project was specifically recognised for its transformational power.


Women at analog forestry training in Guatemala. Photo by Colectivo Madreselva

Laili Kairnur, one of the Analog Forestry promoters from Indonesia. Photo by Laili Khairnur

Woman showing lychees grown in a food forest in Laos. Photo by Dorn Bouttasing


Women’s land rights in Mozambique

For rural and peasant women in Mozambique, land is life. Land is crucial for women’s livelihoods, their health and well-being. Land nourishes bodies and spirits. The Mozambique Constitution, National Land Policy and Land Law affirm the rights of all Mozambican people to the use and enjoyment of land, and recognise land as a universal means of wealth creation and social welfare. In practice, however, many regulations and procedures discriminate against women. Despite being the country’s largest producers of the food that sustains Mozambican families, few women can rest assured that their right to use and enjoy land is guaranteed.

Fortunately, a network of Mozambican women’s rights organisations, Forum Mulher, is gaining ground in its effort to improve respect for women’s land rights. In 2022, with support from Both ENDS, the network raised public awareness and mobilised rural women to effectively make their voices heard during the government’s formal review of the legislative framework for land governance.

Rural women’s political declaration

When Mozambique’s Land Policy Review Commission shared its new draft land policy in April, Forum Mulher held meetings with rural and peasant women across the country to discuss the draft and gather women’s concerns and demands. From there, Forum Mulher organised a three-day National Conference of Rural Women involving some 50 rural women peasants and activists from around the country to develop a shared strategy in relation to the review process. Women activists and land experts from Brazil, Portugal, Kenya, Argentina and South Africa also joined the retreat to share their own experiences of advocacy to influence land policy and advance gender and women’s rights in their countries.

On the last day of the conference, the women hand-delivered their political declaration to the Deputy Minister of Land. Among other things, the declaration highlighted the need for an inclusive legal framework for land that focuses on gender equality and a participatory and democratic consultation process. The declaration insisted that communities and women be central in decision-making process regarding the management and administration of land and that family farming, the work of a large majority of women, be recognised, valued and protected.

Engagement in the review process

Forum Mulher also met directly with the Minister of Land, urging her to address the severe lack of representation of (rural) women in the Land Policy Review Commission, which included nine men and just one woman. As a result of the meeting, the Minister recommended that the Commission involve Forum Mulher and rural women in its working group meetings. Forum Mulher provided necessary financial support (travel, food and accommodation) and training to rural women representatives so that they could fully engage in the meetings, which were held over multiple days. In the Commission’s final meetings, a delegation of rural women, activists and lawyers made a final push to ensure consideration of gender issues and women’s rights.

Recognition of women in new land policy

As a result of the women’s participation in the process, the Commission’s final document on the revision of the National Land Policy of Mozambique, submitted to the Council of Ministers, contains articles on the importance of prioritising and valuing rural peasant women in land policy and law. It emphasises the importance of ensuring women’s participation in decision-making at community and family level, as well as the need to consult them about possible large-scale land allocations to investors and the government. The policy further recognises that women play a key role in the management of natural resources and biodiversity and that they should be involved in the design of policies and laws.

For Forum Mulher, important work lies ahead, as the government proceeds to the next step of revising the Land Law. Forum Mulher will continue to ensure that rural women in Mozambique are mobilised and supported to engage in the process and effectively ensure that their rights are guaranteed.

Fostering awareness globally and in the Netherlands

For its part, Both ENDS is fostering learning about women’s land rights among its network of partners as well as policymakers, building on recent documentation of successful strategies and practices to advance inclusive land governance. Together with Land Portal, in 2022 Both ENDS organised a series of webinars on Inclusive Land Governance, where participants exchanged knowledge and perspectives about inclusion in land governance initiatives, what it means in practice, and how it can be better embedded in the programming and policies. The series, which attracted the participation of hundreds of participants worldwide, included one webinar specifically dedicated to transformative approaches for women’s land rights.

In the Dutch context, Both ENDS also worked to inform incoming Ministers and members of parliament about the importance of land rights, particularly in relation to the topics of food and agriculture, and Dutch business and investment abroad. In June, at a Parliamentary roundtable on the topic, Both ENDS urged policymakers to guarantee (women’s) land rights in Dutch foreign policy and in all public financial flows, and the importance of adopting legislation, known as mandatory human rights due diligence, to ensure that the private sector does the same. Both ENDS also called on the Dutch government to invest in community-driven, inclusive and environmentally sustainable agriculture around the world.

Although women in Mozambique are the main food producers for families, their land user rights were not guaranteed by law. Photo: Shutterstock

Forum Mulher organised meetings for rural women to inform them about the land policy review. Photo: Forum Mulher

At the Conference of Rural Women, the women delivered their political declaration to the Deputy Minister of Land. Photo: Forum Mulher


Joining voices to advance advocacy and security in a hostile environment

In many countries around the world, environmental justice organisations are working under increasingly difficult circumstances. Many countries have enacted new laws and regulations to limit the activities and funding of civil society groups. Surveillance and harassment by government authorities, including the police and the military, has intensified. From one minute to the next, organisations’ offices may be raided or their bank accounts frozen or staff held in custody.

Uganda is one of many countries where the situation for environmental organisations has deteriorated. Despite the severe impacts of climate change in the country, including drought and flooding, the Ugandan government and foreign investors are heavily investing in oil, gas and large-scale hydropower projects that violate the rights of Ugandan communities and devastate ecosystems. Efforts to contest harmful policies and projects have been met harshly. Both ENDS’s partners have faced harassment for their indispensable work to promote human rights, environmental justice, and a just energy transition in line with the Paris climate agreement.

In 2021, Uganda’s National NGO Bureau ordered 54 civil society organisations to halt operations. The list included Africa Institute for Energy Governance (AFIEGO), a long-term partner of Both ENDS, which works to promote community-based renewable energy solutions, such as off-gird solar power. The same year, AFIEGO’s offices were raided and staff members unlawfully arrested (and later released). Thanks to national and international pressure, AFIEGO was removed from the government blacklist. But environmental justice work in Uganda remains dangerous.

A proactive approach

As such incidents become increasingly common, Both ENDS has taken steps to develop a more systematic and proactive approach to supporting partners in addressing safety and security issues. Among other things, flexible financial resources and strong networks are important for enabling partners working in hostile contexts to safely carry out their work. To that end, in 2022, we successfully mobilised resources to support six Ugandan organisations – diverse partners of Both ENDS – to strengthen collaboration, increase their visibility, and carry out joint advocacy towards a green and sustainable future.

In addition to AFIEGO, the project involves Environment Governance Institute (EGI), Friends with Environment in Development (FED), the Center for Food and Adequate Living Rights (known as CEFROHT), Southern and Eastern Africa Trade Information and Negotiations Institute – Uganda (SEATINI) and Witness Radio Uganda, a network of human rights investigative journalists, lawyers, and social workers using legal aid support and media to promote and protect economic, social and cultural rights and development in Uganda.

An important element of the project is stimulation of information sharing and mutual support around safety and security issues. In 2022, project partners organised a safety and security training where they exchanged best practices on measures to reduce risk to staff and other environmental and human rights defenders working with communities in Uganda’s oil and gas regions. The partners share up-to-date intelligence about potential security risks in the regions where they work. CEFROHT, which specialises in litigation, has provided legal support to project partners when staff were illegally detained during a field visit.

Sharing expertise

The six partners have different strengths, approaches and strategies, from expertise in human rights law, to lobbying, to working directly with communities who have been displaced by large, destructive energy projects. The collaboration has facilitated exchange of expertise and helped strengthen their work. Together, the groups are defending displaced communities, promoting clean energy and livelihoods for communities, as well as promoting agroecology and the right to food. FED, for example, which works with people affected by the Karuma hydropower dam project, has linked up with AFIEGO to enhance efforts to bring solar power to the communities. Witness Radio and CEFROHT are training journalists and lawyers on key issues related to human rights and fossil fuel and large hydropower development. Meanwhile, SEATINI is raising awareness about harmful trade and investment agreements like the Energy Charter Treaty, which threatens Uganda’s ability to transition to just and clean energy.

The collaboration in Uganda has also strengthened collaboration within Both ENDS; the project brings together staff who specialise in different topics – climate change, financial flows, trade and investment agreements – and enables them to see with greater clarity how these interlinked issues are playing out in Uganda and how best to support the diverse partners they work with. The Uganda collaboration, which launched in 2022, is already showing positive results. Environment Governance Institute reports that its engagement in local-to-global and global-to-local partnerships as part of the project has helped enhance the group’s safety.

Amplifying Ugandan voices in the Netherlands

One of the key problems that Both ENDS’s Ugandan partners are addressing is the planned 1,445 km long East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP), a project of TotalEnergies and the Chinese National Offshore Oil Cooperation (CNOOC). Preparations for construction of the pipeline are already causing human rights violations and serious environmental pollution, and much more is to come if the project continues. It is estimated that over 100,000 people across Uganda and Tanzania will lose the land they rely on for their livelihoods, and many will be forcibly removed from their homes to make way for the pipeline. With the pipeline set to run through several nature reserves and wildlife habitats, and alongside Lake Victoria, the African continent’s largest freshwater reserve, the environmental and safety impacts and risks are enormous.

Both ENDS is playing its part in the global effort to stop EACOP. It has helped convene an ad hoc coalition of organisations in the Netherlands – including our Fair, Green and Global Alliance partners Milieudefensie, SOMO and TNI – that are working together to raise awareness and put pressure on TotalEnergies to stop the project. In September, during TotalEnergies’ ‘Investors Day’, Both ENDS and allies protested under the #StopEACOP banner at the company’s office in The Hague, while others participated in similar actions in Paris and New York. The action brought public attention to the project with an article in the Volkskrant.

We have also called on Dutch pension funds, which have some €2.1 billion invested in TotalEnergies, to use their power to stop the project or divest from TotalEnergies. In meetings with the funds’ asset managers, Both ENDS, together with a Ugandan activist, urged the investors to ensure respect for human rights and environmental sustainability in their investments. Concrete action from the five investors has yet to be seen, but they did commit to raising the issue with TotalEnergies. At least one asset management company has shown what should be done: in April, the Dutch company ACTIAM announced that it had pulled out of all investments from TotalEnergies and placed the company on an exclusion list over concerns about the EACOP project. We will continue to appeal to other investors to follow their lead.

Both ENDS and partners at a meeting with a project affected community in Uganda

Oil developments linked to EACOP lead to deforestation in Bugoma forest, Uganda

In September 2022, Both ENDS gathered a coalition of civil society organisation for a protest action against EACOP in front of TotalEnergies’ Dutch office. Photo by Dorotea Pace