PMEL Strategy

In 2017 we continued to introduce a Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (PMEL) cycle and a renewed quality management system. Several new practices were initiated at both the organisational and project level in cooperation with many colleagues. We have reflected on the initial experiences with these practices and as a result we made some adjustments during the year.


During the second half of 2017 we introduced a planning practice in the projects. This practice was initiated by a group of colleagues and consequently validated in cooperation with the project leaders and project members, among others. We are now further rolling out this practice and have reflected on the initial experiences. At the end of 2018 we will evaluate this new practice.


Part of the project planning is to define each project’s anticipated contribution to the organisational goals of Both ENDS and reflect on that at the end of the year. This helps us to direct the course of our organisational goals and monitor their progress. The progress is presented each quarter in a dashboard together with indicators on HR, finance and communication.


In 2018 we aim to certify our organisation according to the ISO 9001:2015 standard. In 2017 the quality team, consisting of two colleagues, made the necessary preparations for certification. This was done in close cooperation with many other colleagues. Most descriptions of processes and procedures had to be revised due to the reorganisation that was implemented in 2016-2017.